Sadly October was not one of my more productive months. Stuff got done but I spent more than a few weeks getting a solid beat-down and losing my personal time. Still, Some updates:
I finished the race entries for PPP. They each get only one major ability, with a physical buff for the Earth ponies, which I'll admit is a little similar to the official rpg, but most of those abilities open up other tables down the line that expand on it if the player so chooses.
Finished the first scene in chapter 2 of OH and opened up on the second scene.
BG sketches for Pyg Sygn got finished for one of the death scenes, a general parking lot scene, and part of the scene for the ranger station.
Finished moving the rough notes, just stat listings and scribbled ideas, for Bun World over to the official notebook where they're being organized into the same form as the final book. I also finished ability tables for small blades, which is the new division for swords/knives/etc.
Like I said, not my best month, but I'll take progress where and when I can.